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Marvellous Trevélez – the gateway to Mulhacén

Wandelroutes & paden

Marvellous Trevélez – the gateway to Mulhacén

Amalia Santiago

Marvellous Trevélez – the gateway to Mulhacén

Wandel Collectie van Amalia Santiago



3-6 h

/ dag

29,1 km

3.760 m

660 m

In the foothills of the Sierra Nevada’s lofty mountains under the watchful eye of the highest peak of the Iberian Peninsula, lies Trevélez. Surrounded by incredible natural beauty, this village is home to a spectacular cultural legacy and local cuisine that ensures your visit is unforgettable.

Located at 1,476 metres (4,840 ft), the village of Trevélez is the highest in the Alpujarra area of Granada and one of the highest towns in Spain. Strolling through the steep streets of its three neighbourhoods, which rise and fall around 200 metres (650 ft), seems like a trip back in time. Here, you’ll find unique architecture, many old fountains and threshing floors that were once used to grind wheat and have become natural viewpoints today.

I was fortunate to visit Trevélez in a rather atypical September when the temperatures felt more like midsummer than early autumn. I passed through after spending five days exploring the most emblematic villages of the Alpujarra. Check out this Collection to find out more about that adventure: komoot.com/collection/2421126

This time, I bring you a Collection of three routes that start and end in Trevélez. One of them is a loop, whilst the other two are linear routes that ascend two of the most iconic peaks of Sierra Nevada – the Alto del Chorrillo and the mighty Mulhacén – and then come back the same way. You'll find more information about each itinerary in the respective Tour descriptions.

The Peñabón route is relatively gentle, but the ascents of Alto del Chorrillo and Mulhacén are challenging. Therefore, you’ll be very grateful to return to Trevélez to enjoy lunch or dinner and replenish your energy with a well-deserved beverage. The village has several supermarkets, as well as bars, restaurants and all kinds of accommodation.

The best time to climb these three peaks is spring and early autumn. Of course, some people also hike in summer and winter. If you do, bear in mind that summer in Granada is quite hot. In winter, conversely, you’ll find a lot of snow, so you’ll need to bring the right gear (ice axes, crampons, etc.) and, of course, know how to use them.

To complete the three routes you need to be fit. The descent from the Peñabón peak has technical sections and, although the routes to Mulhacén and Alto del Chorrillo are relatively simple, you need good stamina. Also, don't forget to bring enough water and food, as well as trekking poles, a hat, sunglasses, sunscreen and warm clothes – you'll need them when you get to the top of Mulhacén!

With all this, there’s only one thing left: to wish you lots of fun exploring the Sierra Nevada and reaching the highest point of the Iberian Peninsula!

By the way, if you’re looking for another village of the Alpujarra located in an incredible area with amazing routes, take a look at this Collection about Capileira: komoot.com/collection/2430138

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  1. Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

    Circular al Peñabón (SL-A 78)

    11,5 km
    2,8 km/h
    660 m
    660 m
    Gemiddelde wandeling. Goede conditie vereist. Vooral goed begaanbare paden.

    Deze cirkelvormige route brengt je naar de Peñabón-piek, een massa die imposant boven Trevélez uitsteekt en deze van bovenaf observeert. Om te beginnen moet je naar de lager gelegen wijk van de stad gaan en het pad nemen dat je naar de ruïnes van de Altero-molen brengt.


    Vanaf hier begint de hemelvaart

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen


  2. 03:52
    6,56 km
    1,7 km/h
    1.190 m
    0 m
    Zware wandeling. Zeer goede conditie vereist. Tredzekerheid, stevige schoenen en alpine ervaring vereist.

    Deze route is lang en veeleisend, dus het is erg belangrijk dat je vroeg vertrekt. Het pad is een constante klim met een steile helling die je meeneemt naar een aantal van de traditionele irrigatiesloten die verborgen zijn in het Alpujarra-gebied.


    Voordat je de top bereikt, passeer je twee plekken die

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen


  3. Meld je aan om dit soort plekken te ontdekken

    Krijg aanbevelingen over de beste singletracks, bergtoppen en vele andere mooie outdoorplekken.

  4. 06:30
    11,0 km
    1,7 km/h
    1.910 m
    Zware wandeling. Zeer goede conditie vereist. Tredzekerheid, stevige schoenen en alpine ervaring vereist.

    Er zijn veel verschillende manieren om Mulhacén te beklimmen. De route die ik u presenteer, begint bij Trevélez om deze top te bekronen en in één dag terug te keren naar de stad.


    We besloten deze route, die op en neer gaat door dezelfde plaats, te volgen, omdat deze ons in Trevélez werd aanbevolen. De

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen



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  • Tours
  • Afstand
    29,1 km
  • Tijdsduur
    14:26 h
  • Hoogtemeters
    3.760 m660 m

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