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Ride from Bologna to Mirandola in Italy – Ciclovia del Sole

Fietsroutes & paden

Ride from Bologna to Mirandola in Italy – Ciclovia del Sole

Matteo Sacchetti

Ride from Bologna to Mirandola in Italy – Ciclovia del Sole

Toerfiets Collectie van Michele Pelacci



1-2 h

/ dag

69,7 km

90 m

130 m

This Collection guides you along the Bologna-Mirandola route in Italy. It makes up part of the Emilian section of the Ciclovia del Sole, which is part of an epic adventure – EuroVelo 7, a network of cycle paths connecting the North Cape to Malta.

Created in 2021, this itinerary doesn’t span from Norway to Valletta. Instead, it leads from Bologna to Mirandola in two days. To make the start of the journey more accessible, I suggest commencing the first stage at Bologna central station. From here to Osteria Nuova, there’s a temporary section of the cycle path, which is signed. Although the stretch into the city is underway, you can already easily reach the Ciclovia del Sole in one day.

This Collection traces the former Bologna-Verona railway, leading to small abandoned stations, metal bridges, waterways and green meadows. You can cycle the entire route in one day even if you pedal at 14 kilometres (8.7 mi) per hour. But why not take your time, bring a bike lock, and explore the many museums and places of interest en route? One lesser-known example is the birthplace of Marcello Malpighi, a prominent 17th-century scientist born in Crevalcore.

A touring bike equipped with a rack, rear bags and a kickstand is perfect for this trip. You can undertake this route throughout the year, but I recommend avoiding the coldest and hottest months. Reaching Bologna is easy. From Mirandola, you can return to the Emilian capital thanks to the new Bologna-Verona railway line.

Throughout the route, you'll encounter numerous towns where you can indulge in delicious Emilian cuisine and find bicycle repair shops. In short, everything is in place for a wonderful cycling experience.

Happy riding!

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La Bologna-Mirandola – il tratto emiliano della Ciclovia del Sole

69,0 km

90 m

130 m

Laatste update: ‪31 mei 2024

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  1. Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

    Tappa 1: Da Bologna a Crevalcore – Tratto emiliano della Ciclovia del Sole

    40,5 km
    17,4 km/h
    60 m
    90 m
    Gemiddelde fietstocht. Goede conditie vereist. Vooral verharde ondergrond. Geschikt voor elk niveau.

    Verlaat het station van Bologna en loop langs de externe lanen van de stad, die rond de oude muren lopen. Kort na Porta Lame en Porta San Felice, die u moet oversteken via de zogenaamde "Fietsringweg" in het midden van de weg, gaat u westwaarts waar u met een paar pedaalslagen de Certosa-begraafplaats

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen


  2. 01:44
    29,2 km
    16,8 km/h
    30 m
    30 m
    Makkelijke fietstocht. Geschikt voor elk fitnessniveau. Vooral verharde ondergrond. Geschikt voor elk niveau.

    Verlaat Crevalcore via het fietspad Viale della Libertà en keer terug naar de Ciclovia del Sole. Net buiten Crevalcore is de geboorteplaats van Marcello Malpighi een goede manier om een eerste stop te maken en meer te weten te komen over een ongewoon verhaal. In tegenstelling tot de vorige dag bevat

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen



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  • Tours
  • Afstand
    69,7 km
  • Tijdsduur
    04:04 h
  • Hoogtemeters
    90 m130 m

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