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Race through Poland 3 — sleepless in Poland’s Carpathians


Race through Poland 3 — sleepless in Poland’s Carpathians

Tadek Ciechanowski

Race through Poland 3 — sleepless in Poland’s Carpathians

Wielren Collectie van Jesko

4 Tours

93:45 h

1.439 km

17.740 m

Mighty Carpathian mountain ranges such as the High Tatras, the Beskids and the Sudetes separate Poland from its southern neighbours – the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The landscapes exude a rustic and wild charm while the views from the mountains are as breathtaking as the steep roads leading up to them. A journey through southern Poland on a road bike promises challenging climbs on narrow mountain roads and shows you villages and stretches of land where time seems to have stood still. This is the landscape where most of the third edition of the Race through Poland took place.

The Race through Poland is a self-supported bikepacking race. This means that the riders are not allowed to accept any outside help. In addition, they have to plan their route themselves, except for a few predefined sections called ‘parcours’. In doing so, the busy national roads are off-limits. After the common start, they have to reach four fixed checkpoints and the finish. Since the clock never stops ticking, the main thing is to pause as little as possible. As a result, you often ride deep into the night. As the third edition of the race took place at the end of September, the days were shorter and the nights colder.

Although Poland is easy to reach from Germany, I’ve rarely been there. After my big goal, the Transcontinental Race No. 8, was postponed for a second time due to the pandemic, I registered for the Race through Poland with relatively short notice. I rode the race on my Specialized Roubaix with 32 millimetre wide tyres. This made it possible to cope with the frequently rough roads and the odd gravel track. I had a sleeping bag and a sleeping mat with me but, in the end, I didn't need them because I just rode through two nights and found a room at the right time on the other nights. Nevertheless, I wouldn't have wanted to be without them, if only for the comforting certainty of being flexible in my choice of sleeping spot.

I had ridden several long-distance races before, some of which were many times longer, but despite its relatively short distance of just under 1,500 kilometres (930 mi), the Race through Poland was one of the toughest for me. One factor was certainly the sometimes terrible condition of the roads, which really shake you up. In addition to some pothole-strewn roads, there were two long gravel sections. One of them was part of a predetermined section, the other I had deliberately chosen when planning the route in order to save a few kilometres. The whole thing was also made more difficult by the countless steep climbs. Piko, the brains behind the race, took a mischievous delight in sending us over some of the nastiest roads in the country. Three months later I was still feeling discomfort in my Achilles tendons and my fingertips were partially numb. It wasn't until around Christmas that I had fully recovered.

Some of the photos in this Collection are by Tadek Ciechanowski and Adrian Crapciu.

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Race through Poland 3

1.441 km

17.890 m

17.720 m

Laatste update: ‪7 mei 2024


  1. Day 1: From Wrocław to Piwniczna-Zdrój – Race through Poland 3

    594 km
    17,4 km/h
    5.220 m
    4.970 m

    Op een koele ochtend eind september verzamelen de renners van de Race door Polen zich in de Wroclaw Velodrome. Na een langzame ereronde op de baan rijden we in een rustig tempo onder politie-escorte de stad uit. Er is nog genoeg tijd om elkaar succes te wensen. Ik ken al enkele andere coureurs van andere

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen


  2. Na een paar uur slapen gaat de wekker. Voor het feit dat ik nog niet eens halverwege ben, voel ik me schrikbarend slecht. Mijn knieën en enkels zijn opgezwollen, mijn hoofd doet pijn, mijn nek is stijf, mijn oog is ontstoken en als klap op de vuurpijl barst de blaar bij de eerste beklimming van de ochtend

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen


  3. Meld je aan om dit soort plekken te ontdekken

    Krijg aanbevelingen over de beste singletracks, bergtoppen en vele andere mooie outdoorplekken.

  4. 15:00
    233 km
    15,5 km/h
    3.180 m
    3.600 m

    's Nachts heb ik koorts en eindig ik met nog twee uur rusteloze slaap nadat de wekker al is gegaan. Het is al vijf uur als ik weer op de fiets stap. Na een korte schok omdat de poorten van de parkeerplaats op slot zijn, ontdek ik een gat in de muur waar ik mezelf en de fiets doorheen kan wringen. Na

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen


  5. 28:18
    392 km
    13,9 km/h
    5.300 m
    5.220 m

    Om 2.50 uur sta ik weer op straat. Ik weet dat er nu nog minder dan 400 kilometer tot de finish is. De uren tot zonsopgang gaan oneindig langzaam voorbij. De straten zijn leeg, er hangt dikke mist over de velden en dus kan ik me alleen het landschap om me heen voorstellen. De nacht is bitter koud. Voor

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen


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  • Tours
  • Afstand
    1.439 km
  • Tijdsduur
    93:45 h
  • Hoogtemeters
    17.740 m

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