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TFT at 1% For The Planet London - The State of Our Parks with Trash Free Trails


TFT at 1% For The Planet London - The State of Our Parks with Trash Free Trails

Trash Free Trails

TFT at 1% For The Planet London - The State of Our Parks with Trash Free Trails

Collectie van Trash Free Trails

The State of Our Parks with Trash Free Trails: This ain’t no ordinary litter pick. Join Managing Director Dom and Digital Community Activator Rach for an afternoon in Mile End Park, engaging with Trash Free Trails’ core citizen science offering to discover the state of terrestrial single-use pollution present in London parks. Harnessing the power of community action and the potential for (re)connection that the simple act of collecting single-use pollution provides, this park clean will deep dive into TFT’s mission; what’s possible when we encourage others to adventure with intention, purpose and responsibility?

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