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Crossing Bannau Brycheiniog from Cardiff — the Taff Trail

Fietsroutes & paden

Crossing Bannau Brycheiniog from Cardiff — the Taff Trail

Ecce Homer

Crossing Bannau Brycheiniog from Cardiff — the Taff Trail

Toerfiets Collectie van Katherine Moore



1-3 h

/ dag

87,1 km

840 m

710 m

Linking Wales’ capital city of Cardiff to the town of Brecon in Powys, the Taff Trail is a 54-mile (87 km) cycle route that also forms part of National Cycle Network Route 8, the Lôn Las Cymru. Well signposted, predominantly traffic-free and with fairly gentle gradients as you cross the Bannau Brycheiniog National Park, the Taff Trail is a great way to escape the city and explore for cyclists of all abilities.

Following a mix of old railway paths, forest trails and canals, the Taff Trail transports you from the cosmopolitan waterfront of Cardiff Bay straight out into nature. Follow the river away from the city before seeking out wooded paths, quiet streets, wide gravel tracks and canal towpaths.

While you certainly can ride the full Taff Trail in a day, I’ve proposed here that you split it into two days, giving more time to explore the sites along the way. The first day is shorter, allowing for more time to travel to Cardiff and explore the city before heading off. The second stage is both longer and hillier, taking you right across the stunning Bannau Brycheiniog (Brecon Beacons) National Park.

Though you’ll find plentiful options for accommodation in both Cardiff and Brecon, options are more limited in between, so it’s a wise idea to book in advance for an overnighter in the Taff Valley. Choose from a room at an Inn, the Taff Trail Bunkhouse at Aberfan, various rental cottages and more guesthouses and hotels as you approach Merthyr Tydfil.

As the Taff Trail takes in both tarmac and some gravelly off-road trails, a sturdy gravel bike, tourer, hybrid or mountain bike is ideal. Essentially anything that’ll take wider, more durable tyres. The Taff Trail is a popular route out of the city for local cyclists and walkers alike, so remember to take care and give way to other trail users. A bike bell is highly recommended!

The Taff Trail is well surfaced, and though it can get a little muddy in places, is suitable to be ridden all year round. Most visitors will choose to ride the trail from spring to autumn when the temperatures are more favourable. Don’t forget to pack waterproofs though as it does rain all year round in Wales!

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The Taff Trail

87,0 km

840 m

710 m

Laatste update: ‪31 mei 2024

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  1. Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

    Fase 1: Cardiff Bay naar Abercynon — de Taff Trail

    31,2 km
    16,3 km/h
    190 m
    110 m
    Gemiddelde fietstocht. Goede conditie vereist. Vooral verharde ondergrond. Geschikt voor elk niveau.

    Volg vanaf de moderne waterkant bij Cardiff Bay de borden naar National Cycle Network Route 8, Lôn Las Cymru, om u in westelijke richting naar de rivier de Taff te leiden. Geniet van het fietspad door Hamadryad Park, steek dan de rivier over en volg de straten en fietspaden die langs de westelijke oever

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen


  2. 03:58
    55,9 km
    14,1 km/h
    640 m
    600 m
    Zware fietstocht. Zeer goede conditie vereist. Vooral verharde ondergrond. Geschikt voor elk niveau.

    De start van de tweede etappe heeft hetzelfde gevoel als de eerste; rustige wegen en verkeersvrije fietspaden gaan omhoog langs de rivier de Taff stroomopwaarts, door Aberfan, Abercanaid en door Merthyr Tydfil.


    Al snel beginnen de dingen echter echt te veranderen, als je de rand van het Bannau Brycheiniog

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen



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  • Tours
  • Afstand
    87,1 km
  • Tijdsduur
    05:53 h
  • Hoogtemeters
    840 m710 m

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