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Nationalpark De Maasduinen


Nationalpark De Maasduinen


Nationalpark De Maasduinen

Collectie van Roland

10 Tours

15:49 h

78,1 km

150 m

Wälder, Heidelandschaften, Moore, Dünen und Seen - der Nationalpark De Maasduinen ist landschaftlich sehr abwechslungsreich. Er umfasst ein Gebiet zwischen der Maas und der deutschen Grenze und besteht aus einem langgestreckten Sandrücken im Norden der Provinz Limburg.

Op de kaart



  1. 🌟🌟 Nationalpark De Maasduinen 1 - Reindersmeer

    8,32 km
    5,2 km/h
    10 m
    10 m

    Our first tour in the national park De Maasduinen led around the lake Reindersmeer. We liked the track very much - many bays, paths over sand dunes and past heathland, Froschweiher, a hand-operated ferry across the lake and beautiful pine forests we could marvel at. The visitor center is located with

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  2. At the northern end of the De Maasduinen National Park, we trekked through the pine forests of Broedersbosch and the boggy ponds in the heath of Quin. A great track!


    For the four-legged friends there were a few restrictions: Despite ponds and ponds on the wayside Baden was not announced - the water would

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  3. Meld je aan om dit soort plekken te ontdekken

    Krijg aanbevelingen over de beste singletracks, bergtoppen en vele andere mooie outdoorplekken.

  4. Our third tour in the National Park De Maasduinen led us to the Eendenmeer, a beautiful dune and heathland with ponds.


    Especially in the desert-like area with very extensive dunes, our four-legged friends have spent properly.

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  5. After the Eendenmeer we went to the ruins Bleijenbeek. A beautiful area with woodland, meadows, heathland and ponds - and a golf course idyllically situated in beautiful nature.

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  6. Our fifth tour in the National Park De Maasduinen took us to the Schandelosche Heide. A great hike in a beautiful landscape, the four-legged friends had a lot of fun in the extensive heathland.

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  7. Another new area explored in the National Park De Maasduinen and a beautiful, very extensive landscape with forests, dunes, heaths and lakes met. A nice hike with Jessica and the great four-legged troupe, which was a lot of fun!

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  8. 02:20
    11,2 km
    4,8 km/h
    10 m
    20 m

    Today we were at the lake landscape south of the National Park De Maasduinen, not far away from Arcen. We liked it very much. There were many lakes, ponds and ponds, beautiful heathland and even a herd of wild horses to marvel at. The little ones were free to walk the largest distance and there were

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  9. Nice weather, a great location, the Reindersmeer in the National Park De Maasduinen and many nice two- and four-legged friends, what more could you ask for?

    Was very fun!

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  10. The Reindersmeer offers a lake with a sandy beach, adjacent ponds, forests, heaths and dunes and a visitor center with a large car park and a café right on the water. An attraction is also the ferry with hand crank in self-operation, with the help of which the distance can be halved.


    A very nice tour

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  11. Today we were on the Reindersmeer with the family. A great trip in perfect weather. Finally, there were treats in the café of the visitor center.


    P.S. The hand ferry we wanted to try for fun, the water level is too low, the ferry has been out of service for a few days. With Jessica it worked at the beginning

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  • Tours
  • Afstand
    78,1 km
  • Tijdsduur
    15:49 h
  • Hoogtemeters
    150 m

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