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Värmdö Notholmarna bikepacking - Day 2


Värmdö Notholmarna bikepacking - Day 2

Värmdö Notholmarna bikepacking - Day 2

54,6 km
21,1 km/h
590 m
570 m
  • Een kopie van deze Tour maken

Tour overzicht

3 m
The sun got really warm around noon! Like summer! :D
This sunrise was my first sight when waking up! :D
This is my camp illuminated by the early morning sun!
View of the Djurö mainland from the southern tip.
Just look at this water. Gotta swim here during summer!
It is *almost* possible to reach the other island!
Probably the best view I've ever had from a hammock!
My hammock spot was just next ta a little gravel beach.
Until noon I just relaxed in my hammock under the sun!
This sunrise was my first sight when waking up! :D
Looking back at my campsite from the northern tip!
Woke up to this stunning scenery in the morning sun.
2,99 km
Starting to head back home. Lots of paved roads today.
12,8 km
View of Våmfjärden from just beside the road.
14,5 km
From here on I'm just gonna keep pedaling home.
54,6 km



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heeft een gravelrit gemaakt.

18 april 2021


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