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Halden im Ruhrgebiet


Halden im Ruhrgebiet


Halden im Ruhrgebiet

Collectie van Roland

29 Tours

45:41 h

221 km

2.410 m

Ehemalige Abraumhalden rund um das Ruhrgebiet wurden renaturiert und sind heute beliebte Ausflugsziele. Auch die Villeseen bei Köln, die aus dem Braunkohletagebau entstanden sind, bieten attraktive Wanderwege.

Op de kaart



  1. 🌟 Gipfelwanderung Halde Haniel 7 - Spätsommer 24° 🌞🐾🐶

    4,79 km
    4,9 km/h
    120 m
    120 m

    Today we went to the Haniel dump with our friends Rong and Jian. Despite the fine weather, the summit was not overcrowded for a Sunday afternoon.

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  2. The stockpile Rheinpreußen with the "Geleucht" in the form of a miner's lamp and the adjacent forest lake and the Lohheidesee were on the program today. A relaxed tour with alternating sunshine, clouds and light rain.


    P.S. The meters are not right

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  3. Meld je aan om dit soort plekken te ontdekken

    Krijg aanbevelingen over de beste singletracks, bergtoppen en vele andere mooie outdoorplekken.

  4. 02:28
    13,5 km
    5,5 km/h
    150 m
    130 m

    Industrial culture at its best: Recklinghausen colliery, Hoheward heap, Drachenbrücke, Ewald colliery, Ewaldsee and Halde Hoppenbruch.

    It was fun and there was a lot to see!

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  5. Today, for once, a lot of text. I documented the story behind the walks - actually for myself.


    What do a castle, a monastery, an animal enclosure and a heap have in common? They are the cornerstones of a treasure map. 🔮️🏆👻👻


    Two weeks ago, we were looking for a hiking trail in a "white" area on our

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  6. Great hiking weather. The sun worshipers in the form of cyclists, joggers, hikers and families with children were scattered throughout the extensive area around the Sophienhöhe. On the "spaceship" on the lunar landscape of Sophienhöhe we were even all alone. A nice tour.

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  7. Clouds, sunshine, rain and sleet accompanied us on the beautiful tour of the Villeseen. There were a lot of water birds to see. The jetties on the lakes are great, there are a lot of access points to the individual lakes, many with small benches. A route that was fun and was not very busy during the

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  8. Today we were on root paths on the banks of the three lakes of the Köttinger Seenplatte (part of the Villeseen). A nice hike with very little going on today.

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  9. 01:57
    7,07 km
    3,6 km/h
    80 m
    20 m

    Yes, Jolanta, there was no plan to take photos and stop the tour. But the rape was blooming so beautifully that I couldn't help but take a few photos with my smartphone.

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  10. 00:56
    4,95 km
    5,3 km/h
    10 m
    10 m

    The Vollrather Höhe was today on January 1st. Well visited. As always, the hill with the huge wind turbines exudes its peculiar charm.

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  11. The mud battle on the way to the Haniel heap did not deter many hikers, dog-walkers and mountain bikers. We had fun, even if there was no free run today - it was just too busy.

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  12. Today, with lots of sunshine and mild temperatures, we had ideal weather for our visit to the Haniel dump together with Jutta. It was nice and the four-legged friends had a lot of fun romping about in the huge open space up on the dump.

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  13. 00:55
    4,14 km
    4,6 km/h
    110 m
    30 m

    Small family trip to the Halde Haniel. The weather stopped, only on the return trip started the rain. Basti and Kiska had a lot of fun and used the whole area on the heap to rave.

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  14. With the Komoot pack, many nice two- and four-legged friends, on the Ruhrpott volcano! It was a lot of fun! 🐾🐶

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  15. 01:03
    5,48 km
    5,3 km/h
    110 m
    90 m

    Vulkanfeeling, dat gibbet here in the pot on Halde Haniel.

    Again a very different hike. The four-legged friends were thrilled and ran the "crater" up and down and romped extensively on the large open space on top of the heap.

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  16. 01:12
    5,76 km
    4,8 km/h
    100 m
    100 m

    Sometimes a very different, very interesting hike. The Halde Haniel gives a certain volcanic feeling when you walk along the ridge and can look into the "crater" (amphitheater) and the lower landscape around the heap.

    Tip: In the summit area no shade and very windy. In midsummer or when it is stormy, maybe not the best hiking.

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  17. 03:36
    14,6 km
    4,1 km/h
    190 m
    150 m

    Our fourth tour in the area of Hambacher Forst, this time not to the Lost Places and the activists, but in the area of renaturation around the Römerturm and the Sophienhöhe. A hike that was a lot of fun!


    A great surprise was the cherry tree directly at the monument on the Sophienhöhe. With ripe cherries

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  18. Our third hike around the Sophienhöhe.


    Anyone who wants to experience the original Hambach Forest, the Bürgewald, the "Lost Places" (motorway and villages that are being demolished), the activists in the tree houses and the edge of the lignite mining, should go on the Hambach Forest Tours 1-3 referenced

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  19. Our first Easter hike took us to the north of Moers at two lakes, the small forest lake and the larger Lohheidesee, and on the heap Rheinpreussen. An ideal route in the beautiful weather with forest, water and distant view.

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  20. Meer Tours tonen

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  • Tours
  • Afstand
    221 km
  • Tijdsduur
    45:41 h
  • Hoogtemeters
    2.410 m

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